Yum Yum

Hw's always tracking down those meddling peanuts to make butter out of them! When he gets frustrated he throws peanut butter left and right.


Se lanza en plancha para dejar inmovilizados a sus enemigos con el calorcito de una tostada recién hecha. ¡Ya dicen que el desayuno es la comida más importante del día!


He dives in to immobilise his enemies with the warmth of freshly made toast. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day!


Es especialmente eficaz cuando tiene que enredar a los héroes en sus hilos... ¡y en molestar a su rival con sus miauravillosos maullidos!


He's especially effective when it comes to tangling the heroes in his threads... and in annoying his rival with his myriad mewling sounds!