
He was a pretty naughty kid until he transformed into the Kazoom Kid. Then he discovered that he loves helping others and doing justice! Now he's got an awesome shield and the toughest skin in town, and he's learning to be a top hero. And he'll succeed because he's got a will... of iron!


This evil leader of the villains has an ability to store within himself whatever he wishes, even his minions! And move at full speed.


Este malvado líder de los villanos tiene una capacidad para almacenar dentro de sí mismo lo que desee, ¡Incluso sus secuaces! Y moverse a toda velocidad.


His power at top speed is unrivalled! He can run through Kaboom City in minutes, and woe betide the villain who tries to stop him!


¡Su potencia cuando coge la máxima velocidad no tiene rival! Es capaz de recorrer Kaboom City en minutos, y pobre del villano que intente pararle!