Training Tower
Discover the Training Tower, with light, sound and two extra training zones. Take your Kazoom Kid to the top of the platform so that he can practice his acrobatic flight.
- 1 Training Tower with light and sound effects.
- 2 extra training zones.
- 1 exclusive Kazoom Kid.
- 1 exclusive SuperThing.
Superbot Mega-K
Discover the Superbot Mega-K, with articulated arms and legs and unfoldable wings. Fire its weapon and destroy the villains!
- 1 Superbot.
- 1 accessory.
- 1 exclusive Kazoom Kid.
- 1 exclusive SuperThing.
Superbot Enigma
Discover the Superbot Enigma, with articulated arms and legs and unfoldable wings. Fire its weapon and destroy the villains!
- 1 Superbot.
- 1 accessory.
- 1 exclusive Kazoom Kid.
- 1 exclusive SuperThing.
Rescue Truck
Discover the Rescue Truck with extendable ladder and a detachable rescue ship. Capture the villains with the large front shovel and lock them in the truck´s mobile jail. With light and sound effects. Comes with 1 exclusive Kazoom kid and 1 exclusive SuperThing.
- 1 truck.
- 1 Wild Kid.
- 1 Wild SuperThing.
Wild Tigerbot
Press its tail and tranform your Tigerbot from RACE mode (vehicle) to ATTACK mode (tiger robot). With its claw realease a pincer to capture the SupertHINGS, or shoot them by firing the machine gun. Comes with an exclusive Wild Kid and exclusive Wild Superthing.
- 1 Tigerbot.
- 1 exclusive Wild Kid.
- 1 exclusive Wild SuperThing.
- 3 projectiles.