
"Now he uses his slippery power to play even bigger pranks and have a good time!
He's clever in his own way, but unpredictable and chaotic even for his companions, as he values a laugh more than power or riches... He doesn't care about all of that!

Fro Bros

This pair are always up to something and probably nothing good. Their twin compenetration will freeze you in your tracks!


Although it's full of sugar, it can spoil your party... If he gets angry, he'll shoot sugar for a week, full on!

Sour Soda

It's not a very cheerful Superthing, let's say... But it's a very palatable drink, because everything always leaves him... cold...


"Ever since he transformed himself into the Kazoom Kid, his brain has been bubbling with the most evil ideas.... he's the ideal planner!
But his strength is no slouch, his soda jets can make anyone slip. He'll never give up... he never runs out of gas!".